The NuHealth Wellness program was developed by NuCara, a health management company, to assist employer groups with the health and well-being of their employees.
NuCara has a long history of being actively involved in the health care field. What started as a small-town pharmacy almost 30 years ago, has grown today to include services in the home medical, respiratory, home infusion, prescription compounding, diabetic, and wound care fields. Their focus has always been on the patient and being passionately committed to their health care needs.
Today NuCara is reaching out to employer groups to offer a new service that focuses on assisting them with the overall health and wellness of their employees. NuCara has developed the tools over the years and can now offer them in the package of the NuHealth Wellness program.
The program can range from simply utilizing the online portal to track daily activities to a more complex plan that includes blood screenings, reporting capabilities, a health coach, lunch and learns, and one-on-one counseling programs for specific disease states.
For more information on this program, please contact NuCara.